因为联邦和州的财政援助是给予学生期望的帮助 他们将完成他们的学术课程,为了保持获得资助的资格,学生必须 meet standards for satisfactory academic progress (SAP). You must meet or exceed these 在每学期结束时将你的课程成绩与标准联系起来,以便 下学期有资格获得联邦和州财政援助.


  1. Cumulative grade point average (GPA)
  2. 累计完成率或进度=通过(完成)的学分数除以 by the number of credits attempted.
  3. Maximum timeframe = total cumulative credits attempted.

SAP Standards at Vincennes University

  1. Minimum Cumulative GPA:
    1. While attempting fewer than 12 credits hours: 1.7
    2. After attempting 12 credit hours: 1.8
    3. After attempting 30 credit hours: 1.9
    4. After attempting 45 credit hours: 2.0
  2. Minimum Cumulative Completion Rate/Pace:
    1. While attempting fewer than 12 credits hours: 50%
    2. After attempting 12 credits, pass 60%
    3. After attempting 30 credits, pass 63%
    4. After attempting 45 credits, pass 67%
  3. Maximum Time-frame
    如果他们达到或超过最低GPA和完成率标准,学生 是否可以获得所需学分的150%的经济资助 to complete their degree or certificate. For example, students in an associate degree 要求64学分的项目有资格获得最多96学分的经济援助 (64 x 1.5). 需要30学分的证书课程的学生符合条件 for financial aid for up to 45 credits (30 x 1.5)

What Happens if I don't meet these Standards?


Additional details:

  • 发展性课程被算作尝试过的课程,它们有助于 GPA for financial aid purposes only.
  • 成绩为W、WF或WN的课程被视为尝试课程.
  • 成绩为I级(未完成)或RD级(延迟报告)的课程被视为尝试过 课程,但在最终合格分数之前不计入已通过的课程 is available. 如果一门成绩为I或RD的课程会对你的学业产生影响 暂停上诉是否能被批准,澳门足球博彩官方网址必须等待完成 of the course to render a decision on the appeal.
  • Repeated courses are counted as attempted courses.
  • 学生所修的课程及相应的学期成绩 未获得联邦财政援助的课程是否被算作这三门课程的尝试课程 standards of progress.
  • 改变专业或追求第二学位不会改变尝试的次数 courses or the grades received in attempted courses.  See below how this can affect appeals on the maximum timeframe standard (150%).
  • 转学课程的完成率同时被计算为尝试和通过课程 (pace) purposes.
  • For checking GPA progress, i.e., whether a student has to meet the 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 or 2.0标准,只有在澳门足球博彩官方网址尝试的学分被用来确定GPA期望..

对于最大时限标准(150%)的上诉,可能会有一些例外 大学有可能为额外学分提供联邦财政援助. The university may exclude:

  • Up to 30 credits of developmental courses attempted.
  • 从其他学院或大学转来的不符合要求的学分 学生在文森斯大学攻读的学位或证书.
  • 从最初考虑时起5年以上取得的学分 连续休学两次以上者,可上诉 semesters.
  • 学生在高中期间获得的未达到要求的学分 for the degree or certificate at Vincennes University.  This is true whether the courses 是因为高中文凭的要求还是因为学生 thought the courses might be required in college.
  • 完成文森斯大学的一个学位或证书所获得的学分 哪些不符合第二个或后续学位或证书的要求.

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